New Scientific Publications by Dr. Ahmed Gheni CVE Faculty Members
During the Spring Semester 2023, Dr. Ahmed Gheni a CVE faculty member has published two scientific publications in the prestige International Journals. As a part of research and development activities, the CVE faculty members are always attempt to achieve new scientific results and contribute to solve the main problems in the societies based on the science and new technology. It worths to mentions, that the total Impact Factors collected in the Spring 2023 Semester by the CVE faculty members reached 40 Impact Factors.
The below list is the new scientific papers in Spring 2023:
1. Utilizing waste latex paint toward improving the performance of concrete
Authors’ Name: Ahmed A. Gheni
Journal: Construction and Building Materials
Publisher: Elsevier
Impact Factor (WOS): 7.69
Site Score (Scopus): 8.8
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950061823013740
2. Raveling performance of conventional and rubberized chip seal under field and laboratory traffic loading
Authors’ Name: Ahmed A. Gheni
Journal: Construction and Building Materials
Publisher: Elsevier
Impact Factor (WOS): 7.69
Site Score (Scopus): 8.8
Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0950061823003859