Associated Prof. Dr. Ako Rashed Hama
Hello ..
My name is Dr. Ako Rashed Hama and bellow is short Bio for myself .
I was born in Sulaimania , 1972 . I am holding BS in civil engineering from civil engineering department university of Baghdad ,1995 . Also PhD and MSc degree in Environmental Engineering from Environmental Engineering ,Civil Engineering Department , University of Technology . I have been in academic trend since 2000. I occupied several academic positions like head of Water Resources engineering department for four year 2011-2015 . Also , I occupied head of teaching quality assurance and continuous academic learning from 2009-2011 in collage of engineering , University of Sulaimania , Iraq . I am the chairman of Civil Engineering Department in Komar University since 2016 till now .
Dr.Ako R. Hama Official Website
Ip phone 236